public sealed class Timer : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable
TimerThis type implements IDisposable.
Provides a mechanism for executing methods at specified intervals.
A TimerCallback delegate is used to specify the methods associated with aTimer
. The methods do not execute in the thread that created the timer; they execute in a separate thread that is automatically allocated by the system. The timer delegate is specified when the timer is constructed, and cannot be changed.When creating a timer, the application specifies an amount of time to wait before the first invocation of the delegate methods (due time), and an amount of time to wait between subsequent invocations (period). A timer invokes its methods once when its due time elapses, and invokes its methods once per period thereafter. These values can be changed, or the timer disabled using the System.Threading.Timer.Change(System.Int32,System.Int32) method.
When a timer is no longer needed, use the System.Threading.Timer.Dispose(System.Threading.WaitHandle) method to free the resources held by the timer.
The following example demonstrates the features of the Timer class.
using System; using System.Threading; class TimerExampleState { public int counter = 0; public Timer tmr; } class App { public static void Main() { TimerExampleState s = new TimerExampleState(); // Create the delegate that invokes methods for the timer. TimerCallback timerDelegate = new TimerCallback(CheckStatus); // Create a timer that waits one second, then invokes every second. Timer timer = new Timer(timerDelegate, s, 1000, 1000); // Keep a handle to the timer, so it can be disposed. s.tmr = timer; // The main thread does nothing until the timer is disposed. while (s.tmr != null) Thread.Sleep(0); Console.WriteLine("Timer example done."); } // The following method is called by the timer's delegate. static void CheckStatus(Object state) { TimerExampleState s = (TimerExampleState) state; s.counter++; Console.WriteLine("{0} Checking Status {1}.",DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay, s.counter); if (s.counter == 5) { // Shorten the period. Wait 10 seconds to restart the timer. (s.tmr).Change(10000,100); Console.WriteLine("changed..."); } if (s.counter == 10) { Console.WriteLine("disposing of timer..."); s.tmr.Dispose(); s.tmr = null; } } }An example of some output is
10:51:40.5809015 Checking Status 1.
10:51:41.5823515 Checking Status 2.
10:51:42.5838015 Checking Status 3.
10:51:43.5852515 Checking Status 4.
10:51:44.5867015 Checking Status 5.
10:51:54.5911870 Checking Status 6.
10:51:54.6913320 Checking Status 7.
10:51:54.7914770 Checking Status 8.
10:51:54.8916220 Checking Status 9.
10:51:54.9917670 Checking Status 10.
disposing of timer...
Timer example done.
The exact timings returned by this example will vary.
System.Threading Namespace
Timer Constructors
Timer(System.Threading.TimerCallback, System.Object, int, int) Constructor
Timer(System.Threading.TimerCallback, System.Object, System.TimeSpan, System.TimeSpan) Constructor
Timer Methods
Timer.Change(int, int) Method
Timer.Change(System.TimeSpan, System.TimeSpan) Method
Timer.Dispose() Method
Timer.Dispose(System.Threading.WaitHandle) Method
Timer.Finalize Method
public Timer(TimerCallback callback, object state, int dueTime, int period);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of theTimer
- callback
- A TimerCallback delegate.
- state
- A Object containing application-specific information relevant to the methods invoked by callback, or
.- dueTime
- A Int32 containing the amount of time to delay before callback invokes its methods, in milliseconds. Specify System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite to prevent the timer from starting. Specify zero to start the timer immediately.
- period
- A Int32 containing the time interval between invocations of the methods referenced by callback, in milliseconds. Specify System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite to disable periodic signaling.
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException dueTime or period is negative and is not equal to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite. ArgumentNullException callback is a null
callback invokes its methods once after dueTime elapses, and then invokes its methods each time the period time interval elapses.If dueTime is zero, callback performs its first invocation immediately. If dueTime is System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, callback does not invoke its methods; the timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled using the System.Threading.Timer.Change(System.Int32,System.Int32) method.
If period is zero or System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite and dueTime is not System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, callback invokes its methods exactly once; the periodic behavior of the timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled using the System.Threading.Timer.Change(System.Int32,System.Int32) method.
System.Threading.Timer Class, System.Threading Namespace
public Timer(TimerCallback callback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of theTimer
- callback
- A TimerCallback delegate.
- state
- A Object containing application-specific information relevant to the methods invoked by callback, or
.- dueTime
- A TimeSpan set to the amount of time to delay before callback invokes its methods. Set the value to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds to prevent the timer from starting. Specify zero to start the timer immediately.
- period
- A TimeSpan set to the time interval between invocations of the methods referenced by callback . Set the value to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds to disable periodic signaling.
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException The number of milliseconds in the value of dueTime or period is negative and not equal to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, or is greater than System.Int32.MaxValue. ArgumentNullException callback is a null
The callback delegate invokes its methods once after dueTime elapses, and then invokes its methods each time the period time interval elapses.If dueTime, in milliseconds, is zero, callback performs its first invocation immediately. If dueTime is System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite , no method invocation occurs. The timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled using the System.Threading.Timer.Change(System.Int32,System.Int32) method.
If period is zero or System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds and dueTime is not System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, callback invokes its methods exactly once. The periodic behavior of the timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled using the System.Threading.Timer.Change(System.Int32,System.Int32) method.
System.Threading.Timer Class, System.Threading Namespace
public bool Change(int dueTime, int period);
Changes the start time and interval between method invocations for a timer.
- dueTime
- A Int32 containing the amount of time to delay before the delegate specified at Timer construction time invokes its methods, in milliseconds. Specify System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite to prevent the timer from restarting. Specify zero to restart the timer immediately.
- period
- A Int32 containing the time interval between invocations of the methods referenced by the delegate specified at Timer construction time, in milliseconds. Specify System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite to disable periodic signaling.
if the current instance has not been disposed; otherwise,false
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException dueTime or period is negative and is not equal to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite .
The delegate specified at Timer construction time invokes its methods once after dueTime elapses, and then invokes its methods each time the period time interval elapses.If dueTime is zero, the delegate specified at Timer construction time performs its next invocation immediately. If dueTime is System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite , no method invocation occurs. The timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled by calling this method and specifying a non-negative value for dueTime .
If period is zero or System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite and dueTime is not System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, the delegate specified at Timer construction time invokes its methods exactly once. The periodic behavior of the timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled by calling this method and specifying a positive value for period .
System.Threading.Timer Class, System.Threading Namespace
public bool Change(TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period);
Changes the start time and interval between method invocations for a timer.
- dueTime
- A TimeSpan set to the amount of time to delay before the delegate specified at Timer construction time invokes its methods. Specify System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds to prevent the timer from restarting. Specify zero to restart the timer immediately.
- period
- A TimeSpan set to the time interval between invocations of the methods referenced by the delegate specified at Timer construction time. Specify System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds to disable periodic signaling.
if the current instance has not been disposed; otherwise,false
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException dueTime or period is negative and is not equal to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite .
The delegate specified at Timer construction time invokes its methods once after dueTime elapses, and then invokes its methods each time the period time interval elapses.If dueTime, in milliseconds, is zero, the delegate specified at Timer construction time performs its next invocation immediately. If dueTime is System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds, no method invocation occurs. The timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled by calling this method and specifying a non-negative value for dueTime .
If period is zero or System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds and dueTime is not System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite milliseconds, the delegate specified at Timer construction time invokes its methods exactly once. The periodic behavior of the timer is disabled, but can be re-enabled by calling this method and specifying a positive value for period .
System.Threading.Timer Class, System.Threading Namespace
public void Dispose();
Releases the resources held by the current instance.
[Note: This method is implemented to support the IDisposable interface.]
System.Threading.Timer Class, System.Threading Namespace
public bool Dispose(WaitHandle notifyObject);
Releases the resources held by the current instance.
- notifyObject
- Specifies a WaitHandle to be signaled when the timer has been disposed of.
if the call succeeds; otherwise,false
Exception Type Condition ArgumentNullException notifyObject is null
When this method completes, the WaitHandle specified by notifyObject is signaled.This method calls System.GC.SuppressFinalize(System.Object) to prevent the garbage collector from finalizing the current instance.
System.Threading.Timer Class, System.Threading Namespace
Releases the resources held by the current instance.
[Note: Application code does not call this method; it is automatically invoked by during garbage collection unless finalization by the garbage collector has been disabled. For more information, see System.GC.SuppressFinalize(System.Object), and System.Object.Finalize.This method overrides System.Object.Finalize.
System.Threading.Timer Class, System.Threading Namespace