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The head of a GNU is the logo of the GNU project  DotGNU DotGNU logo

General Information about the DotGNU Project

DotGNU is being developed jointly under the auspices of FreeDevelopers and the GNU project. The DotGNU system will be a well-integrated part of the GNU system and it will also be made available to the users of all other widely-used operation systems. If you wish to receive important announcements about the DotGNU project, please subscribe to the DotGNU announcements mailing list.

Mailing Lists

The DotGNU project has the following mailing lists:

Please avoid cross-posting to multiple of these lists. If something needs a broader audience than just one of the specialized mailing lists, post it to DEVELOPERS.

For a quick introduction to some key points that have been discussed, please refer to the messages referred in this summary post by Antonio Ognio. (Such summary posts are definitely worthwhile, and the maintainer of this page is very open to adding links to more such summaries.)

Weekly IRC Meetings

DotGNU holds weekly meetings to discuss any issues of relevance; to allow the developers to catch up with each other; and to allow new members to ask questions and find out how to join in.

The meetings are conducted via IRC in the channel times:

    Saturday 1000 UTC
    Saturday 2200 UTC

The first is best for DotGNU members east of UTC and the second is best for DotGNU members west of UTC. Some of the key DotGNU members attend both meetings.

The logs of #dotgnu are always available here:

Note: the times are UTC, not GMT. If you use the GNU operating system (e.g. GNU/Linux, the popular combination of the GNU system with the kernel called Linux) or a Unix system, then the command "date; date -u" will give you your current time in both local and UTC, allowing you do determine when the next meeting will occur.

DotGNU technical specifications

We have started working on technical specifications for the DotGNU system. So far the following documents are available:

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted in any medium or format, provided this notice is preserved.

This page is maintained by Norbert Bollow <> with support from the DotGNU Developers mailing list.